This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Lasham Nationals & Regionals

Royaume-Uni,   8 août 2009 – 16 août 2009


1 X9 Brian Scougall 3 289
2 EF Julian Hitchcock 3 216
3 410 Bill Murray 3 114
1 LS Leigh Wells 4 756
2 2A Ben Flewett 4 678
3 321 Martyn Wells 4 484
1 N1 Peter Harvey 4 721
2 110 Steve Jones 4 539
3 128 Ian Ashdown 4 265

Rebrief for Opens

There will be a rebrief at the front of the grid at 11.30 for the Open class
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Ecrit le 16 août 2009 à 07:56.


First launch is not before 11.30.  There are 3 tasks set for each class today depending on the weather and how early the thermals start. Open task A is 306.3km up to the North East. Standard task A is 306.6km in the same direction. Regionals task A is 219km.
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Ecrit le 16 août 2009 à 07:55.


Briefing will be at 10.30
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Ecrit le 16 août 2009 à 06:43.


Good morning! Briefing will be at 10.00, gridding before briefing.
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Ecrit le 16 août 2009 à 06:08.

All classes scrubbed

Windy and grey skies here, might be a clearance but not untill later this afternoon, therefore all classes are scrubbed for today.  Briefing will be at 10am tomorrow.
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Ecrit le 15 août 2009 à 09:11.


Grey skies here.  Regionals is scrubbed for today.  There will be a briefing at 12.30 to task the Nationals Classes if the weather improves.
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Ecrit le 15 août 2009 à 07:50.

No finishers!!

Busy time in finishers, everyone either landed out or landed back without completing the task.....Sky looked nice here but obviously not that nice on route!!! 
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Ecrit le 14 août 2009 à 15:50.

Lot\'s of landouts

Sorry for lack of news_small lately....been busy with lot\'s of landouts and pilot\'s landing back.  No finishers yet!! 
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Ecrit le 14 août 2009 à 13:31.

Open class

Over half the pilots in the Open class have either landed out or landed back without completing the task
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Ecrit le 14 août 2009 à 12:29.


Regionals pilots have now started.  We have a few landed back (turbo) in the Opens
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Ecrit le 14 août 2009 à 11:49.

Dernier vainqueur

1. Norman Parry 153,24 km
2. Bill Murray 151,80 km
3. Brian Scougall 151,21 km
1. Oliver Ward 309,94 km
2. Ben Flewett 309,17 km
3. Leigh Wells 309,16 km
1. Peter Harvey 315,81 km
2. Afandi Darlington 306,77 km
3. Mark Parker 304,45 km

Dernière épreuve

Epreuve 6, 16 août 2009
Distance de l'épreuve : 172,67 km
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:30
Epreuve 6, 16 août 2009
Distance de l'épreuve : 306,63 km
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:30
Epreuve 6, 16 août 2009
Distance de l'épreuve : 307,02 km
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:30

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