This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

New Zealand National Gliding Championships

Matamata Aerodrome, Nouvelle-Zélande,   4 février 2008 – 15 février 2008


Sports class
1 XF Honey Maurice 6 512
2 ES Gage Matt 6 287
3 SB Schofield Paul 5 648
1 JD O'Brien Bryan 6 650
2 KM Weaver Maurice 6 250
3 IY Badger Nelson 5 739
18 mètres
1 DX Nigel McPhee 6 164
2 OP Patrick Driessen 5 825
3 VM Brett Hunter 5 516

Day 7

Light rain, the first for months, has forced us to cancel the day. The new simulator will be the only craft flying today

Ecrit le 9 février 2008 21:27.

Day 6

Today was a real challenge for the weather forecaster and the task setter. They didn\'t quite get it right and an unexpected turn in the weather meant that after the sports and club classes launched the day was cancelled. One local pilot flew around 300km just to prove a point.
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Ecrit le 9 février 2008 07:23.

Day 5

After the mass land outs yesterday the task setter was a little circumspect and set a 300km AAT task and a time of 2.5 hours. He was spot on, the best pilots got back around 2.5 hours and flew 300km which means they flew at about 120 kph, not too bad. There were only two landouts and one land back today which was good news_small for the retrieve crews after their hard work yesterday. Conditions are fabulous, so good that the local authorities have for the first time ever declared a drought. Goo...
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Ecrit le 8 février 2008 07:59.

Day 4

Today started out with a few clouds but ended up blue, averages were around 4 knots but there were plenty around 8 knots. I ignored everything below 4 and thought it was great day even though I landed out (with plenty of company) at the most distant turnpoint. the tasks were set at 250km for the PWs and 302km for the Standard, 15m and above. Soaring Centre President Bill Mace declared the task for his Diamond goal and was successful. Big pat on the back for Bill, well done. We tried out the lan...
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Ecrit le 7 février 2008 08:12.

Day 3

Today was much the same as yesterday except Gene had moved a bit further to the east so the \'little people\' (aka PWs) were allowed to fly. They were given a 175 km task, half of which was into 20 to 30 km/hr winds. The club class got a 273 km task and the others got 295. I think the club class had the toughest day but all but one got around. Still no landouts, just a few land-backs and a couple of engine starts to get back home. I am flying a PW5 and today the wind was so strong that unless y...
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Ecrit le 6 février 2008 05:47.

Day 2

  Day 2 sees an end to the best summer weather we have had in living memory (it used to be like this when I was a boy), some blame Roy who is the best contest director this country has ever seen except that whenever Roy arrives so does the bad weather. In this case it was the remnants of cyclone Gene which brought strong SE winds and totally blue skys that were unflyable until mid afternoon. We cancelled the Sports (aka PW) class and set a short task for the rest. It was a very fun day, ripped...
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Ecrit le 6 février 2008 05:36.

Day 1

A short but sweet day with no landouts
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Ecrit le 4 février 2008 22:35.

Dernier vainqueur

1. Gore Ralph 89,14 km/h
2. Gage Matt 79,98 km/h
3. Honey Maurice 78,56 km/h
1. O'Brien Bryan 93,18 km/h
2. Badger Nelson 80,10 km/h
3. Care Steven 73,41 km/h
1. Nigel McPhee 130,23 km/h
2. Brett Hunter 123,33 km/h
3. Ross Gaddes 117,14 km/h

Dernière épreuve

Epreuve 8, 15 févr. 2008
Distance de l'épreuve : 248,32 km
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:25
Epreuve 8, 15 févr. 2008
Distance de l'épreuve : 263,97 km
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:25
Epreuve 8, 15 févr. 2008
Distance de l'épreuve : 271,76 km
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:25

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