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Fly-Pink Cup 2015 ( Women Competition )

Ferrara, Italija,   30. maj 2015 – 07. junij 2015


1 873 Elizabeth Sparrow 4.649
2 57 Margherita Acquaderni 4.538
3 P Viktoria Vadaszi 4.085

31st May - 7pm

Almost all gliders returned to the field, but someone swiched  on the engine and others turned back without completing the task. Weather conditions were very difficult: the thermal were broken by the wind and the sea breeze. The program  SeeYou on Soaring spot give us many problems so we don’t have a rapid production of the rank. Sorry. Clara  
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Napisal: clara bartolini dne 31. maj 2015 16:55.

31st May - 5pm

In the foto gallery you can see advanced amphibious seaplane helps gliders in the race because, being equipped with transponders, warns airspaces’s authorities ENAC, of the passage gliders. The Vintage group: they partecipate to the race with shorter tasks than the other gliders and without the advanced instruments that exist now. They don't have logger so they photograph the turning points, as they used to do 20 years ago!
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Napisal: clara bartolini dne 31. maj 2015 14:49.

31 maggio - 12am

This morning at the briefing was assigned an area task of 200 km with three turning points. Prizes were awarded to the winners of yesterday. Lieutenant Colonel Guido Guidi announced rain in some short areas. The QNH is now 1016. The takeoffs are planned for 12am. Clara  
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Napisal: clara bartolini dne 31. maj 2015 10:01.

30th May - 7,30pm

Today the weather was better than expected, so the 260 km of the task has been a good choice by the contest direction. There were some good thermal and, instead, some very weak but almost all the competitors were able to complete the task. For the moment there are 5 outlandings, but I meet many pilots proud of their race. Clara Oggi le condizioni meteo sono state migliori del previsto e quindi i 260 km erano stati ben valutatati dalla direzione gara. C’erano termiche migliori e alcune invece mol...
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Napisal: clara bartolini dne 30. maj 2015 17:33.
Popravil: clara bartolini dne 30. maj 2015 21:03.

30 maggio

ore 11,45 Ferrara’s competitions opened last night with the mandatory briefing at 10 pm. The contest director, Giampietro Magri, greeted all competitors and invited them to elect their rappresentant. For the class Unica was elected Roberto Pinato. Magri explained takeoff and landing procedures,also referred to the two areas prohibited (under 600m) of Coronella and Polo Industriale. This morning during the briefing, the contest director, wanted to reward with colorful bouquets the Fly Pink group...
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Napisano dne 30. maj 2015 09:43.


Welcome everybody! See you in Ferrara, on friday 29th at 10 pm, for the mandatory briefing. Benvenuti a tutti! Ci vediamo a Ferrara, venerdì 29 alle ore 22.00 per il briefing obbigatorio.  
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Napisal: clara bartolini dne 26. maj 2015 21:46.

Our Web-site

for more information on the competition you can follow us on  
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Napisano dne 20. december 2014 12:41.

Zadnji zmagovalec

1. Elizabeth Sparrow 63,77 km/h
2. Viktoria Vadaszi 61,07 km/h
3. Zarina Bagaeva 55,91 km/h
Posodobljeno: 9. 06. 15 20:23

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 7, 7. jun. 2015
Razdalja naloge: 170,70 km
Posodobljeno: 9. 06. 15 18:23

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