This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

New Zealand Nationals 2010

Nova Zelandija,   14. februar 2010 – 26. februar 2010

Practice Day - Sunday 14th

Well, the weather forecast looks wet and horrible, but the view out of the window looks significantly better. In fact it looks eminently soarable. Weatherman Roland has forecast cloudbase to 5000' with good chance of overdevelopment on the high country to the east towards Napier and the Kawekas.

A practice task has been set and we will be launching shortly.

Napisano dne 13. februar 2010 15:40.

Zadnji zmagovalec

1. David Todd 57,11 km/h
2. Paul Schofield 223,29 km
3. Bhrent Guy 178,05 km
1. Mark Wilson 363,61 km
2. Bernie Massey 323,07 km
3. Delio Fagundes 311,32 km
1. Brett Hunter 343,90 km
2. Roberts & Griffen 341,42 km
3. Nigel Mcphee 330,19 km

Najnovejša naloga

Naloga 7, 26. feb. 2010
Razdalja naloge: 213,48 km
Posodobljeno: 21. 05. 15 06:31
Naloga 7, 26. feb. 2010
Razdalja naloge: 356,43 km
Posodobljeno: 21. 05. 15 06:31
Naloga 7, 26. feb. 2010
Razdalja naloge: 357,72 km
Posodobljeno: 21. 05. 15 06:31