This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Overseas Championships 2008

Ocaña Airport, Španija,   26. maj 2008 – 06. junij 2008

Naloga za Overseas, dne 29. maj 2008, Naloga odpovedana

Verzija naloge: 1
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
Start C1 Dosbario 6,89 km 338,0° Linija 10,00 km
Villarta de San Juán 71,22 km 176,5° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=3,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
Los Hinojosos 65,47 km 51,9° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=3,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
Tembleque 59,18 km 280,4° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=3,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
Aerodromo Ocaña 24,37 km 359,6° Cilinder R=2,50 km
Skupno: 220,24 km

Opis naloge

Cold Front approaching from the West.