This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.


Itálie,   17. srpna 2014 – 23. srpna 2014

21 August

The contest director Franca Vorano, announced day canceled at 3,30 pm, in grid, because of too strong south wind. Today there is a good energy in the sky but take off must be safe! You can look and you can download, wonderfull photos by Luigi Di Placido who climbed Rotella Mountain to take this pictures, here: 

and here

Zapsáno 21. srpna 2014 17:49.

Poslední vítěz

1. Sebastian KAWA / Lukasz GRABOWSKI 127,21 km/h
2. Peter HARTMANN /Christian DEROLDE 133,09 km/h
3. Louis BOUDERLIQUE 125,36 km/h

Poslední úloha

Úloha 6, 22. 8. 2014
Vzdálenost v úloze: 456,57 km
Aktualizováno: 21.05.15 6:47