This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

47th Australian Multiclass Nationals

Benalla Gld, Australien,   12. Januar 2009 – 23. Januar 2009

Wertungstag 5, 18Meter, 17. Januar 2009

Aufgabenversion: 1
Wendepunkt Entfernung Richtung Sektor
Ben Start 0,52 km 107,2° Zylinder R=1,00 km
The Rock 174,01 km 35,6° Symmetrisch, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=10,00 km, Winkel=90,0°, Zylinder R=0,50 km
Lockhart Silo 36,39 km 277,8° Symmetrisch, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=10,00 km, Winkel=90,0°, Zylinder R=0,50 km
Dookie 154,59 km 217,2° Symmetrisch, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=10,00 km, Winkel=90,0°, Zylinder R=0,50 km
BEN Finish 38,44 km 129,9° Zylinder R=2,00 km
Gesamt: 403,43 km