This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.


Italien,   17. August 2014 – 23. August 2014


1 AM Alberto SIRONI /Andrea FERRERO 3.422
2 CS Sebastian KAWA / Lukasz GRABOWSKI 3.360
3 CM Aurel HALLBRUCKER 3.358

23 August

The final rank, after four days of competition, has at the first place the couple Sironi-Ferrero followed by the myth of saoring international Sebastian Kawa in double with Lukasz Grabowski, at third place the young Austrian Aurel Hallbrucker!  The pricegiving were held in the briefing room by the contest director, Franca Vorano. After the prizegiving and after the photos to the first three classified, all the pilots went near the podium for a souvenir photo all together (see photo gallery)! The pilots and their families have shown sympathy and gratitude towards the contest organizzation. I hope we will read again at the next races in 2014! Bye, Clara

Geschrieben am 23. August 2014 um 11:57.

22 August

Today the sky was great! Flying towards south was easy and fast. Some gliders had hight speed, up to 160kmh, between Rieti and the first turning point (san Biagio Saracinesco). There was south wind and sea breese for a fantastic ridge soaring from Roccaraso to Monte Vettore, with strong climbing values ​over Monte Morrone: 4,8 m/s. In the north area flying was more difficult: there was no sun in Val Topina and weak wind on the ridges. There are 3 outlandings: LD, 27, AS. Tomorrow at 9:30pm ther...

Geschrieben am 22. August 2014 um 20:04.

21 August

The contest director Franca Vorano, announced day canceled at 3,30 pm, in grid, because of too strong south wind. Today there is a good energy in the sky but take off must be safe! You can look and you can download, wonderfull photos by Luigi Di Placido who climbed Rotella Mountain to take this pictures, here:  and here

Geschrieben am 21. August 2014 um 17:49.

20 August

It’s 6:30pm, all the pilots are landing very happy.  The Finnish pilot says: "Today's flyght was a very good surprise!". Ceiling's clouds was between 2000 and 2400m, in Avezzano there were up to 4m/s climbing. From Terminillo to the second turning point (Cesi) there was enough wind for ridge soaring! The last part of the fly was hard because of south wind in Val Nerina. Speeds are up to 130km/h! Sono le 18,30, tutti i concorrenti stanno atterrando soddisfatti dei loro voli. Il Il pilota norvege...

Geschrieben am 20. August 2014 um 19:33.

19 August

Today we waited for 2 hours in grid. At 3:30pm the contest director announced task deleted for too weak weather conditions, especially for 37 gliders starting in the same area. Clara

Geschrieben am 19. August 2014 um 16:27.

18 August

Today it was very hard to complete the task. Not all competitors were been able to reach the 5 turning points  even though weather conditions were very good with south-west wind that allowed to run fast along the ridge. Climbing values ​​were of about 2/3 ms and cumulus bases were at 2200/2400m. Clara

Geschrieben am 19. August 2014 um 10:21.

17 August

Takeoffs today are shifted at 13 because we delivered, in grid, an alternative task of 340 km with a new turning point in the north area: Cesi instead of Gualdo Tadino. Here on the airfield the sky is really wonderfull with cumulus's base at 2700m and probably they are higher going to the south.§§§ It was a beautiful flight day with strong updrafts, a long line of clouds over the Apennines and there were even two different tipe of convergence ( over Gransasso-Maiella and in Val Roveto) formed b...

Geschrieben am 17. August 2014 um 19:10.

16th of August (Rieti airfield)

The “Coppa città di Rieti” 2014, has been opened this evening with the mandatory briefing at 6:30pm. Franca Vorano, the contest director, explained the rules for a safe competition. It’s been great fun for us and the participants (about 37) to see ourselves reunited again after one year. We would like to give a great welcome to the new Glider Pilots, that are taking part to the competition for the first time and also to the world champion Sebastian Kawa. Ten of the competitors are foreigners: t...

Geschrieben am 16. August 2014 um 19:46.

Letzte Sieger

1. Sebastian KAWA / Lukasz GRABOWSKI 127,21 km/h
2. Peter HARTMANN /Christian DEROLDE 133,09 km/h
3. Louis BOUDERLIQUE 125,36 km/h

Letzte Aufgabe

Wertungstag 6, 22.08.2014
Aufgabengröße: 456,57 km
Aktualisiert: 21.05.15, 06:47

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