This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.


Italien,   17. August 2014 – 23. August 2014

16th of August (Rieti airfield)

The “Coppa città di Rieti” 2014, has been opened this evening with the mandatory briefing at 6:30pm. Franca Vorano, the contest director, explained the rules for a safe competition. It’s been great fun for us and the participants (about 37) to see ourselves reunited again after one year. We would like to give a great welcome to the new Glider Pilots, that are taking part to the competition for the first time and also to the world champion Sebastian Kawa. Ten of the competitors are foreigners: they came here in Rieti, to join the competition as a training exercise for the European Championship, which will be taken next year.

Geschrieben am 16. August 2014 um 19:46.

Letzte Sieger

1. Sebastian KAWA / Lukasz GRABOWSKI 127,21 km/h
2. Peter HARTMANN /Christian DEROLDE 133,09 km/h
3. Louis BOUDERLIQUE 125,36 km/h

Letzte Aufgabe

Wertungstag 6, 22.08.2014
Aufgabengröße: 456,57 km
Aktualisiert: 21.05.15, 06:47