This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

12º Campeonato Regional de Vôo a Vela Rio Claro - SP

Brazil,   March 27, 2010 – April 11, 2010

Task 1, Open, March 27, 2010

Task duration: 2:00:00
Task version: 1
Turnpoint Distance Direction Observation zone
RIO CLARO 0.00 km 0.0° Line 3.00 km (Radius 1.50 km)
ARARAS 23.61 km 63.7° R=10.00 km, Radial1=312.8°, Radial2=72.8°
Mogi Mirim 47.29 km 100.0° R=25.00 km, Radial1=26.7°, Radial2=246.7°
LIMEIRA 56.33 km 247.4° R=15.00 km, Radial1=70.1°, Radial2=300.1°
PCC 03 23.15 km 316.0° Cylinder R=0.50 km
RIO CLARO 2.57 km 9.6° Line 1.00 km (Radius 0.50 km)
Total: 88.57 km  /  190.98 km  (152.95 km)

Task notes

Resultados Provisórios dependentes de Reunião/Decisão da Comissão de Pontos e Justiça