This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

1st FAI Pan American Gliding Championships

United States,   April 6, 2015 – April 18, 2015

Overall results for Handicap Class after task 2

# OP CN Contestant Total
1 JA Jason Arnold Discus cs 0
Discus cs
1 C5 Sergio Bassi ASW-19 0
1 RF Robin Clark LS-6A 0
1 BC Bill Cole Mosquito 0
1 K Tony Condon Std. Cirrus 0
1 HA Sean Franke LS-1F 0
1 PG Phil Gaisford Discus 2b 0
1 AT Roger Hildesheim SZD 55 0
1 RW Ryszard Krolikowski SZD 55 0
1 55L Sergio Reinaudo ASW-15B 0
1 R Henry P. Retting Discus 2b 0
1 JS Joerg Stieber LS-8-15 0
1 MF Krzysztof Wiercioch Jantar Std. 2 0