This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

30. Internationaler Segelflugwettbewerb Hockenheim 2008

Germany,   May 10, 2008 – May 17, 2008

Die erste Maschine im Schlepp

Mit etwas Verspätung geht  der erste Schlepp in der Clubklasse raus.


Written on May 14, 2008 at 8:45 AM.

Latest winner

1. Peter Mangold 94.48 km/h
2. Martin Söll 94.25 km/h
3. Sibylle Engelhardt 92.11 km/h
1. Anja Kohlrausch 97.12 km/h
2. Reinhard Haggenmüller 94.23 km/h
3. Sigi Baumgartl 92.36 km/h
1. Charly Müller 103.04 km/h
2. Felix Loth 99.76 km/h
3. Friedemann Küster 99.65 km/h

Latest task

Task 7, May 16, 2008
Task distance: 78.54 km  /  308.17 km  (208.49 km)
Task duration: 2:00:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:25 AM
Task 7, May 16, 2008
Task distance: 141.67 km  /  367.42 km  (225.53 km)
Task duration: 2:30:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:25 AM
Task 7, May 16, 2008
Task distance: 160.68 km  /  396.43 km  (248.60 km)
Task duration: 2:30:00
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:25 AM