This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

47th Australian Multiclass Nationals

Benalla Gld, Australia,   January 12, 2009 – January 23, 2009

Official results for Meter 15 on task 7 (January 19, 2009)

Turnpoints:Ben Start - The Rock - Deniliquin - Winton - BEN Finish
Task distance: 529.62 km
Task info:Maximum Points: 1000,Pvm:541.7,Pdm:458.3; Day factor = 1.000,N:16,N1:16,N2:13
# OP CN Contestant Speed Distance Points
1. IC Peter Trotter ASW 20 1:17:58 PM 5:27:14 PM 4:09:16 124.97 km/h 519.19 km 1,000
ASW 20
1:17:58 PM
5:27:14 PM
2. ZBI Miles Gore-Brown LS 8 1:30:05 PM 5:46:59 PM 4:16:54 123.83 km/h 530.21 km 985.2
3. BB John Buchanan ASW27 1:45:45 PM 5:56:53 PM 4:11:08 123.65 km/h 517.56 km 982.9
4. 1 JT Jenny Thompson ASW 27 1:14:15 PM 5:36:57 PM 4:22:42 119.26 km/h 522.18 km 925.8
5. 3 WQF Jaroslaw Mosiejewski PIK 20 B 1:27:05 PM 6:04:04 PM 4:36:59 117.83 km/h 543.96 km 907.2
6. 1 UP Ian McCallum Ventus C 1:22:01 PM 5:48:31 PM 4:26:30 116.49 km/h 517.43 km 889.8
7. ZZ David Pietsch ASW 20 1:32:09 PM 6:01:30 PM 4:29:21 116.30 km/h 522.08 km 887.2
8. 1 OBH Bill Hatfield LAK 17/15m 1:30:19 PM 6:09:29 PM 4:39:10 110.46 km/h 513.95 km 811.3
9. 1 XHC Geoff Brown ASW 20B 1:18:55 PM 6:07:10 PM 4:48:15 109.79 km/h 527.46 km 802.6
10. AD Ben Loxton Ventus A 1:29:58 PM 6:12:32 PM 4:42:34 109.69 km/h 516.57 km 801.3
11. 1 UKM Louis Solomons Ventus A 1:28:52 PM 6:32:40 PM 5:03:48 102.74 km/h 520.20 km 710.9
12. 1 AX Geoff Vincent PIK 20 B 1:24:48 PM 6:41:38 PM 5:16:50 102.29 km/h 540.17 km 705.1
13. HDY Gary Stevenson ASW 20B 1:31:09 PM 6:53:46 PM 5:22:37 98.10 km/h 527.46 km 650.5
14. 5 IU Steve Trone Mini Nimbus C 2:07:18 PM 480.66 km 405
15. FQO Luke Tiller Mosquito 1:34:31 PM 352.54 km 297
16. MT Jay Anderson LS 6 1:52:31 PM 237.57 km 200.2