This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

47th Australian Multiclass Nationals

Benalla Gld, Australia,   January 12, 2009 – January 23, 2009

Overall results for Meter 18 after task -1

# OP CN Contestant Total
1 ZKT Bruce Taylor Ventus 2cT/18m 0
Ventus 2cT/18m
1 ZDW David Wilson ASG 29/18m 0
1 HK Hank Kauffmann ASG 29/18m 0
1 GVM Tony Tabart Ventus 2cxM/18m 0
1 XTK Tom Claffey ASG 29/18m 0
1 IIK Bob/Max Fox/Kirschner Ventus 2cT/18m 0
1 AG Andrew Georgeson H304 Shark 0
1 IV Swain Johnson DG 800 0
1 TF Graham Parker ASG 29/18m 0
1 ULZ Lars Zehnder Ventus 2c/18m 0
1 CW Roger Solomons Ventus 2cX/18m 0
1 4D David Jansen ASG 29/18m 0