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Belgian nationals 2008

Belgium,   May 10, 2008 – May 18, 2008

Overall results for Meter 15 after task 3

# OP CN Contestant Glider Total
1 V Jean-Luc Colson ASW 27 2,934
2 MM Manu Litt Ventus 2bx 2,902
3 21 Bert Schmelzer Discus 2 2,837
4 HI Koen Vanderputten LS 6 2,672
5 ED Emiel Dewachter LS 8 2,617
6 CM Denis Huybreckx LS 8 2,567
7 1 DR Olivier Brialmont Discus 2,439
8 1 4 Sébastien Mercier Discus 2,404
9 F1 Pierre Renard Discus 2,245
10 1 TM Jef Kell Duo Discus T 2,127
11 1 43 Philippe Defooz DG 505 20m 2,070
12 520 François Delfosse Discus 2,062
13 1 LT Tim Huybreckx LS 7W 1,984
14 4 MC Tijl Schmeltzer DiscusT 1,595
15 2 CVA Sylvain Helck Duo Discus 1,563
16 3 70 Frédéric Paepe ASW20 1,533
17 2 IS Daan Spruyt Glasflugel 304 1,179
18 3 AW Arny Weber ASW 20B/C 1,060
19 1 52 Yves Ruymen Discus 2 1,010
20 4 UU Johan/Pieter Lievens Duo Discus T 900