This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Championnats de France 2009 - Libre, 15m, Biplace

France,   May 23, 2009 – May 30, 2009

IGC Ranking System

  Le Championnat de France VINON 2009 (Libre, 15m et Biplace 20m) est inscrit au calendrier des compétitions 2009 sur le site de l'IGC.

The French National Championship VINON 2009 (Open, 15m and Twoseater 20m) is now registered to the 2009 competitions list on the IGC website.

Written on October 1, 2008 at 2:21 PM.

Latest winner

1. Mike YOUNG 119.72 km/h
2. Didier HAUSS 114.91 km/h
3. Christophe COUSSEAU 114.70 km/h
1. Hermann MOLLER Eric BORGMANN - 113.39 km/h
HC Gustavo SAURIN Alberto SIRONI - 112.36 km/h
1. Pierre JEANNENEY Gilbert MELLET - 114.23 km/h
2. Sylvain GERBAUD 115.23 km/h
3. Yannic BONTOUT Gilles NAVAS - 111.83 km/h

Latest task

Task 8, May 30, 2009
Task distance: 240.13 km
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:27 AM
Task 8, May 30, 2009
Task distance: 240.86 km
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:27 AM
Task 8, May 30, 2009
Task distance: 290.24 km
Updated: 5/21/15, 6:27 AM