This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

"Vikend tekmovanje" 2011

Postojna Airfield, Slovenia,   May 20, 2011 – May 22, 2011

Task 3, Open, May 22, 2011

Task duration: 2:00:00
Task version: 1
Turnpoint Distance Direction Observation zone
POCEK 3.27 km 291.8° Next, R=3.00 km, Angle=90.0°
MASUN 16.28 km 140.5° Cylinder R=1.00 km
KOBARID 93.85 km 317.3° Cylinder R=30.00 km
PIVKA 81.05 km 141.4° Cylinder R=5.00 km
POSTOJNA 8.71 km 2.3° Cylinder R=3.00 km
Total: 128.94 km  /  274.03 km  (199.89 km)

Task notes

Za štart se uporablja sektor in ne linija - programiranje v LX je 90 stopinj na vsako stran simetrale!!!
Prepovedan prostor TMA Dolsko 1 in TMA Dolsko 2!
Minimalna višina v doletu v ciljni sektor je 828m QNH (300m QFE)!