This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

58. Nacionalno otvoreno prvenstvo Srbije u vazduhoplovnom jedrilicarstvu

Serbia,   5 July 2012 – 15 July 2012

Overall results for Standard after task 5

# OP CN Contestant Glider Total
1 ZF Zoran Frenc Discus 2b 2,729
2 5 Branko Stojkovic Std. Cirrus 2,459
3 08 Aleksandar Diklic Std. Cirrus 1,952
4 A Branko Blagojevic DG 300 1,910
5 AN Alojz Novak Std. Cirrus 1,763
6 AM Ziva Frenc DG 300 1,687
7 ZR Jagos Banovic DG 300 1,467
8 99 Aleksandar Veg Std. Cirrus 582