This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Civis-Thermál Kupa 2010

Hajdúszoboszló Airport, Hungary,   23 May 2010 – 31 May 2010

Practice 1, Club, 22 May 2010

Task duration: 2:30:00
Task version: 1
Turnpoint Distance Direction Observation zone
HSZOBOSZ 0.01 km 343.9° Cylinder R=0.50 km
KALMANHZ 49.16 km 15.8° Cylinder R=20.00 km
KARCAGVA 80.56 km 216.8° Cylinder R=10.00 km
HSZOBOSZ 38.81 km 63.2° Cylinder R=0.50 km
Total: 109.56 km  /  227.88 km  (168.52 km)

Task notes

Hmax: 2700m QNH Grid time: 12:00 LT
QNH: 1005 hPa Take-off: 12:15 LT
RWY in use: 04

Prohibited aera:
- Kecskemét MCTR
- Airspace outside Hungarian FIR
- LH-P1 Paks

Frequencies: Phone numbers:
Hajdúszoboszló Info (TWR): 124,2 MHz
In-flight communication: 123,4 MHz Szauer Zsolt: 00 36 20 93 300 93 (Scoring Office)
East Information: 133,0 MHz
Debrecen Torony: 125,9 MHz