This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Copa Peter Volf - 30/04/2022

Bebedouro Airport, Brazil,   30 April 2022 – 1 May 2022

Preliminary results for Racing/Unica on task 1 (30 April 2022)

Turnpoints:07 Bebedouro - 73 Us Coruripe - 14 Chac Serradinho - 07 Bebedouro
Task distance: 227.86 km  /  427.82 km  (327.83 km)
Task duration: 3:00:00
Task info:Pontuação Máxima: 780 - 173 por Velocidade e 607 por Distância, D1 = 300Km ; Vel Corr. Máxima (V0) = 78,0 - Dist Corr. Máxima (D0) = 247,3 - Melhor tempo (T0) = 03:10:17 ; Dm = 120Km, Fator do DIA (F) = 0,417 e (Fcr) = 1,000
# OP CN Contestant Glider Handicap Start Finish Time Speed Distance Points
1. BY
Luis Carlos Affonso
Jantar St2 102 13:26:37 16:36:54 3:10:17 77.97 km/h 247.28 km 1,000
2. BB
Rafael Puccinelli
Jantar St2 102 12:59:08 32.40 km 102
3. MV
Itamar Lessa
ASW 20 110 13:20:50 32.19 km 95