This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.


Italy,   5 August 2013 – 16 August 2013

Task 8, Meter 18, 14 August 2013

Task duration: 3:00:00
Task version: 1
Turnpoint Distance Direction Observation zone
09STRT9 7.17 km 71.9° Line 8.00 km (Radius 4.00 km)
59MAGLIANO 60.86 km 126.1° Cylinder R=30.00 km
42CESI 108.94 km 339.8° Cylinder R=30.00 km
77SANGEMINI 50.27 km 215.0° Cylinder R=10.00 km
50FICULLE 45.17 km 299.6° Cylinder R=30.00 km
13PIEDILUCO 65.48 km 119.9° Cylinder R=1.00 km
14FLineRieti 14.11 km 148.2° Line 2.00 km (Radius 1.00 km)
Total: 174.90 km  /  532.93 km  (344.83 km)