This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

LXCup 2008

Hungary,   3 May 2008 – 11 May 2008


Tudi tretjemu dnevu ne kaže najbolje. Sonca ni. Nebo pa prekriva visoka in srednja oblačnost. Včerajšni večer je minil ob madžarski rižoti, ki pa našim pilotom ni najbolje teknila.

Written on 6 May 2008 at 04:46.

Latest winner

1. Erazem Polutnik 116.71 km/h
2. Laszlo Halasz 109.41 km/h
3. Zoltan Verebelyi 120.63 km/h

Latest task

Task 7, 10 May 2008
Task distance: 210.95 km  /  449.34 km  (323.83 km)
Task duration: 3:00:00
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:25