This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Northern Regionals 2009

United Kingdom,   1 August 2009 – 9 August 2009

Day one....

Today\'s rain has not dampened our spirits, although it has forced a scrub for the day.  Flying monkeys were duly handed out at briefing, and the howls of forlorn furry monkeys being catapulted through the air are echoing through the clubhouse even as we speak.  However, the weather for tomorrow looks much brighter, so we\'ll be back...  :)

Written on 1 August 2009 at 07:29.

Latest task

Task 1, 31 Jul 2010
Task distance: 0.00 km
Updated: 21/05/2015, 06:29