Turnpoint | Distance | Direction | Observation zone |
123GREOUX | 8.28 km | 251.2° | Line 10.00 km (Radius 5.00 km) |
084SAVINES | 94.72 km | 25.7° | Cylinder R=20.00 km |
029C.CABRE | 63.70 km | 272.5° | Cylinder R=20.00 km |
107VINON Aero | 86.63 km | 170.5° | Cylinder R=5.00 km |
Total: | 182.56 km / 310.80 km (245.06 km) |
Grid / Mise en piste : with the club
Grid closed / Fermeture de la grille : Non applicable
First take Off / Premier décollage : with the club
Start Line open : 12 h 00
Start Line closed : Non applicable
Task Duration : 2 h 00 (minimum)
Finish : Ring 5km radius / 500m QNH Mini
QNH : 1017
Sunset / Coucher du Soleil : 21 h 10 (Local time)
LF-R 71 active : FL 075 Max
Outlanding office phone number / PC vache :
Fixe : +33(0)4 92 78 87 46
Mobile : +33(0)6 51 25 12 03
IGC file delivery / Adresse mail envoi fichier IGC :