This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

5. Elbe-Saale-Pokal 2009

Allemagne,   22 mai 2009 – 30 mai 2009

Classement général pour la classe Grosse Clubklasse après l'épreuve -1

# OP NC Participant Total
1 H5 Siegmar Schink DG 101G 0
DG 101G
1 99 Klaus Schwabe LS 1-c 0
1 FG Sophie Vorwerk Std. Cirrus 0
1 IRH Willi Spreng DG 300 0
1 BB Werner Rodi ASW 19b 0
1 XV Christian Schälicke Std. Libelle H201 0
1 WU Christoph Poschner Std. Cirrus 0
1 JD Eike Björn Schramek ASW 19b 0
1 701 Holger Pruin Std. Libelle 0
1 7 Steffen Tölg Std. Libelle 0
1 DK Markus Schart Std. Jantar 3 0
1 I4 Bodo Zboralski LS 4 0
1 8C André Augennadel ASW 19B 0
1 AMF Sarah Drefenstedt Hornet 0
1 LL Christoph Barniske LS 1 f 0
1 PG Paul Grimsel Std. Cirrus 16m 0
1 S8 Jens Hanke Club Libelle 0
1 6Y Jan Kohrs ASW 15b 0
1 B3 Henry Prenzlow Std. Jantar 0