This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Asperden Cup 2013

Allemagne,   20 mai 2030 – 20 juin 2002

Classement général pour la classe Gemischte Klasse après l'épreuve 1

# OP NC Participant Planeur Total
1 AS Team Berkel, Hater, Lüning, Raß, Schwanz Duo Discus 505
2 1T Team Ulf Kleczka, Florian Titze DG 505 20m 350
3 BT Team Sven Endejan, Philipp Kreutzer Duo Discus T 343
4 8W Team Marc Bickenbach, Christoph Welter Janus C RG 333
5 VD Hein van de Sandt ASW 20 233
6 JS Team Berkel, Hater, Lüning, Raß LS 8 0
6 TZ Floriann Westerloh LS 8 0
6 BM Team Uwe Benkens, Niklas Birnkraut Duo Discus 0
6 WM Eckhard Bonnes Ventus 17.6m 0