This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Central Plateau 2010

Nouvelle-Zélande,   30 octobre 2010 – 6 novembre 2010


Fast Class
1 ZM Lindsey Stephens 3 608
2 VH Roland Van der Wal 3 444
3 XP Tim Bromhead 2 998

Day 5 - Saturday 6th

My wife & I went shopping yesterday (I need the brownie points). When we went into the Warehouse at 2:30 it was raining, when we came out 30 minutes later it was a bright blue sky, hot sun & a brisk fresh southerly. Seems like yesterdays front steamed through pretty quickly after all.

And today its looking the same as yesterday late afternoon. The wind is a fresh 10 to 15 kts and the forecast is for good cloudbases but broken thermals. Local experience says we should probably task to the east of the area so thats the plan.

Ecrit le 5 novembre 2010 à 23:24.

Friday 5th

Hmm. Its raining.....  On the positive side, I'm hoping telecom has finally sorted out the broadband problems that have plagued us all week.
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Ecrit le 4 novembre 2010 à 22:26.

Day 4 - Thursday 4th

So, after yesterdays task, several folks came back and packed up "because its going to rain tommorrow". Several folks are now re-rigging frantically. In hindisight yesterday did turn out better than forecast, but the POST taks we set was probably the right call and the only way to get everybody flying without a landout lottery. Again, the forcast models are showing we should get a repeat of yesterdays weather (unstable, good lift, likely over development) but with the added "excitement" of a lo...
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Ecrit le 4 novembre 2010 à 00:25.

Day 3 Wednesday 3rd

A boomer day yesterday, probably one of the best we've had at Taupo for this time of year. Most pilots rocketed around, managing 260 to 300 km in the 3 hour time window.   The forecast for today is expecting early overdevelopment and looking out of the window seems to confirm this. Gliders on the grid by 12:00 ready for a 12:30 launch.
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Ecrit le 2 novembre 2010 à 23:07.

Day 2 - Tuesday 2nd Nov

After yesterdays struggle, finally, it all seems to be coming together. The forecast is great and the sky looks great. The persistant easterly we have had has died down to 5 kts or so and is tending NE on the airfield. The thicker overcast to the east that has been bothering us for the last 2 days seems to have gone altogether, and the sky is looking good.  Task is set and everyone is lanched. Start gate opened 1:39 pm, with several starts called immediately
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Ecrit le 2 novembre 2010 à 01:39.

Day 1, Monday 1st Nov

So they day started looking a little grey, but the RASP forecast model says its going to be a good day. So rather than look out the window, we set a decent task and will see how it goes. So far, the day is starting late as expected. The grid launch started at 13:45, its now 2:15 and everyone is in the air. The strong easterly flow from yesterday has dropped to about 5 to 10 kts, the grey overcast is breakingand its starting to look quite good. We are expecting better conditions to the west, wit...
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Ecrit le 1 novembre 2010 à 02:22.

Day 1 - Sunday 31st, Cancelled

Again the weather conspires against us. All fault as usual lies with the weatherman but all is forgiven because "tommorow will be better". Again, a strong 15 to 20 kt easterly flow dominates. The lennies over the clubhouse looked great this morning but have disappeared now. Temperatures are a little cool.  The weather patter is pretty much uchanged from yesterday, but with a band of rain over the Urewera and Kaimanawas which occasianaly pushes over us before retreating back over the Kaingaroa F...
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Ecrit le 31 octobre 2010 à 01:08.

30 October - Practice Day

Looking out of the window it's actually quite nice out there. Unfortunately listening to the breeze spill through the cracks in the window kind of spoils the effect. There's blue sky with some cloud activty, a forecast cloudbase of 5'500 ish and it's all quite promising, but its blowing about 20 to 25kts easterly which is never a good wind direction for Taupo. We were hoping for the wind to drop but it doesnt seem to be happening yet. No task has been set and today is a free practice day.
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Ecrit le 30 octobre 2010 à 03:28.

Entries Open

Welcome to the 6th C.P. Soaring Competition. This Contest will appeal to pilots of all levels and inspirations. Daily tasks will be set to suit all performance and skill levels inc Sports, Club and Open Class. Taupo, NZ’s Thermal and adventure playground, offers great family opportunities inc shopping, fishing, tramping, sightseeing and some of the best soaring you will ever experience.
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Ecrit le 28 octobre 2010 à 21:52.

Dernier vainqueur

1. Brett Hunter 209,00 km
2. Alan Belworthy 181,00 km
3. Roland Van der Wal 154,76 km

Dernière épreuve

Epreuve 6, 6 nov. 2010
Distance de l'épreuve : 127,79 km  /  316,10 km  (223,47 km)
Durée de l'épreuve : 2:30:00
Mise à jour : 21/05/2015 06:34

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