The weather is not playing the game, so the day is scrubbed. Some pilots are remaining airborne while the rest practice filling the airfield with gliders.
Some of the comp went out and flew the task anyway, their 'results' are available (but not included in any competition scores).
Ecrit le 1 juin 2008 à 11:10.
Dernier vainqueur
1. Mike Young
100,95 km/h
2. Andy Hall
97,50 km/h
3. Jorge Madrigal
95,41 km/h
Dernière épreuve
Epreuve 12, 6 juin 2008
Distance de l'épreuve :
192,10 km
407,70 km
(251,92 km)
Durée de l'épreuve :
Mise à jour :
21/05/2015 06:26