This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

1st Kraftwerkscup 2009

Nemčija,   30. maj 2009 – 6. junij 2009

Skupni rezultati za Neznano po nalogi 6

# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Skupno
1 S1 Alle / Ulrich Schulze Janus Ce 2.232
2 LS Ralf Brunke / Martin Baranczyk /Werner Kroker Nimbus 3D 1.927
3 GV Yannis Krenzel / Lars Deichgraeber Discus 2cR 1.518
4 VY Friedhelm Schaefer / Max Schaefer Nimbus 2b 1.186
5 AW Wolfgang Tschorn Std. Libelle 753
6 WW Martin Lonien / Bernd Lemke LS 4 645
7 NE Juergen Seidel Discus CS 584
8 1C Franz Lohre Astir CS 70