Spot tracking devices are being used in this competition. Spot is a small (mobile phone size) internal battery powered device that has a GPS for position and communicates back to base via satellite. The device reports a position every 10 minutes.
Tracking is being displayed at the Benalla clubhouse on a big screen and is also available on the internet.
The Club has 10 spots available through the Gliding Club of Victoria and 10 units compliments of New South Wales Gliding Association. Additionally, a number of pilots have their own spots.
With 19 gliders in Standard class, 8 in Open, 12 in 18 metre and 16 gliders in 15 metre, the Spots are being placed in one class each day + leaders in other classes.
This is proving a great way to provide interest to those at the competition but left on the ground, and to let the rest of Australia and the world know what’s happening at the Australian Nationals.
See also: