This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

59th Ukraine Open National Gliding Championship

Ukrajina,   20. maj 2011 – 2. junij 2011

Naloga 1, Standardni, 22. maj 2011

Trajanje naloge: 3:00:00
Verzija naloge: 1
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
001Start 0,29 km 195,9° Linija 4,00 km
071Luginy 138,38 km 304,4° Cilinder R=35,00 km
146Zhitomir 90,69 km 169,0° Cilinder R=25,00 km
003Finish 99,30 km 82,6° Linija 1,00 km
Skupno: 232,84 km  /  429,20 km  (328,38 km)