This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

60th Hungarian National Gliding Championship

Satymaz, Madžarska,   12. junij 2015 – 22. junij 2015

Naloga 5, Mixed Open (international), 18. junij 2015

Verzija naloge: Day4 (v8)
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
001SZATYMAZAP 1,88 km 183,7° Linija 10,00 km
076JHALMA 55,54 km 266,4° Cilinder R=0,50 km
162SZABADSZ 65,38 km 352,7° Cilinder R=0,50 km
032CSAVOLYT 75,35 km 184,4° Cilinder R=0,50 km
228Kunszentmiklos 92,29 km 358,7° Cilinder R=0,50 km
002ingyensor 107,12 km 138,1° Cilinder R=3,00 km
Skupno: 395,68 km
Neaktivni zračni prostori: LHTRA22B, LHTRA22A, LHTRA22C, LHTRA22D, LHTRA22E, LHTRA22F, LHTRA16, LHB10 Also-Tisza-volgy, LHTRA12, LHB29 Kiskunsag south, LHR14, LHB11 Csanadi pusztak, LHB12 Kardoskut, Bekescsaba 123,25, LHTRA23B, LHB13 Gemenc, LHB35 Beda-Karapancsa, Szeged TIZ 122,8, Kecskemet MTMA2 TWR 135,75, Bekescsaba TIZ 123,25, LHTRA13, LHTRA14A, LHTRA14B, LHTRA14C, LHTRA15A, LHTRA15B, LHTRA15C, Kiskunfelegyhaza 118,85, Matkopuszta 134,8, LHB28 Kiskunsag-north 2, LHD18, LHD33