This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Championnat Régional Alsace Lorraine 2010

Francija,   13. maj 2010 – 24. maj 2010

Skupni rezultati za Odprti po nalogi 3

# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Skupno
1 4 J Christophe STURM ASH 25 1.790
2 SM Marc SCHROEDER Ventus 2cxM/18m 1.785
3 3 MC Markus KRIES ASW 24 1.764
3 KN Norbert KELLER Discus 2cT/18m 1.764
5 2 KR Bernhard HAUPERT Ventus 2b 1.642
6 3 19 Eric BURGY LS 6 1.580
7 3 57 Laurent JANZAM ASW 24 1.558
8 7 I1 Christian MALLICK ASW 19 1.465
9 1 V2 Vincent D'ARBONNEAU Duo Discus 1.432
10 2 CG Dominique HAAS ASW 24 1.315
11 10 C Jutta STURM Ventus 2 1.304
12 1 ES Raymond NEU Discus 2c/18m 1.113
13 3 DD Thierry GRUN Duo Discus 1.029
14 3 PR Philippe RENNER ASG 29/18m 973
15 5 DG François MOREAU Pegase 655
16 4 SEX Simon ANDRE Janus 18.2m 590
17 5 XF Sébastien BOUR LS 4 569