This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Championnats de France 18m et libre 2015 & Open de Paris

Buno-Bonneveaux, Francija,   21. maj 2015 – 30. maj 2015

Naloga 5, 18 metres, 27. maj 2015

Verzija naloge: 1 (v4)
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
160Malesherbes 6,55 km 9,9° Linija 20,00 km
042Bonny/Loire 87,90 km 158,0° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
136Lamotte 61,48 km 274,9° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
283Y TGV Sud Tonnerre 154,65 km 86,1° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
200Pleurs 113,35 km 352,2° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
198Piney 49,96 km 136,7° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
002Buno-Bonnevaux 10 136,97 km 270,2° Cilinder R=5,00 km
Skupno: 604,32 km

Opis naloge

TASK DESCRIPTION : start = line R=5km / turnpoints = circle R,0,5km + sector 45° R=20km / finish circle R=5km
QNH = 1023 / Buno 128m QNH
GRILLE / GRID : piste 28 de 9h00 à 11h00 / runway 28 from 9:00 to 11:00
- 11h30, mettez vos voitures en dehors des zones gênantes SVP
- 11:30, please park your car properly
- altitude mini = 300m QNH, appeler km15 Buno puis à la ligne avec intentions (PTL ou directe)
- minimum alt = 300m QNH, call 15km from Buno APT, then crossing the line with intentions (circuit pattern or direct landing)
FL65 = 2064m / FL55 = 1760m / 4500ft = 1372m / 3500ft = 1067m
- BUNO and all sport operations : 123.15
- other gliding frequencies : 122.5 / 122.65 / 123.05 / 129.97 / 130.12