This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Kappes Vergleichsfliegen 2011

Nemčija,   2. junij 2011 – 5. junij 2011

Skupni rezultati za Gemischte Klasse po nalogi 3

# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Skupno
1 1 G3 Peter Remy LS 4 1.188
2 1 VD Robert van de Sandt ASW 20 1.158
3 1 GR Team Sebastian Eusterholz, Felix Malzbender LS 7 WL 1.132
4 3 HB Team Thomas Becks, Stephan Becks ASW 20 1.063
5 1Y Team Andre Tervoort, Patrick Pick LS 4 b 822
6 CY Andreas Scheik Stemme S10 / S10-VT 798
7 1 1T Team Stefan Patzig, Frank Werthebach DG 505 753
8 1 CJ Team S.Drieszen,E.Drieszen,M. Finke,U.Heynen Duo Discus T 653
9 FT Team Jörg Scharbatke, Maud Scharbatke ASW 24 WL 457
10 7 1V Team M.Schumacher,S.Scheuten,A.Flohr DG 1001 T 420
11 1 GW Hans-Theo Deckers Glasflugel 304 400
12 1 YH Team Mathias Miskys, Martin Mitrega LS 4 309
13 2 HK Team H.Schulz z.Wiesch,F.Himmel,C.Matoni,P.Königs DG 1000/20m 304
14 2 WB Michael Okupnik DG 400/17 301
15 4 88 Team Dr.Jonathan Karges, Martin Wessels Discus CS 276
16 2 XZ Martin Demmelhuber LS 3 a 181
17 1 DZ Hans-Josef Wessing LS 4 b 136