This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

narrow test

Narromine Gld, Avstralija,   02. december 2023 – 16. december 2023

Trening 2, Standard, 30. november 2023

Trajanje naloge: 3:00:00
Verzija naloge: Start Gate Open 13:09 (v1)
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
008Start Point NW 11,98 km 136,4° Linija 10,00 km
225Yethra Silo 68,68 km 230,1° Cilinder R=30,00 km
158Muddall HS 86,99 km 330,1° R=50,00 km, Radial1=28,7°, Radial2=208,7°
104Gleneve Strip 99,19 km 87,3° Cilinder R=15,00 km
011Control Point 22 37,74 km 147,4° Cilinder R=5,00 km
000Narromine AF 17,09 km 227,0° Cilinder R=3,00 km
Skupno: 252,00 km  /  466,31 km  (309,69 km)

Opis naloge

Push Back Time: 11:30
First Launch Time: 12:00
Start Frequency: 120.125
Safety Frequency: 122.025
Finish Frequency: 130.00
Maximum Pre-Start Altitude [ft]: 7500 MSL
PEV: Wait Time = 5 min PEV Start Window = 8 min, maximum of 3 PEVs per launch
Minimum Finish Altitude [ft]: 1100 MSL
Airspace: All Airspace Active
QNH: 1005
End of Legal Daylight: 20:24
Flights Submission: or

Neaktivni zračni prostori: D513 THE BALD HILLS, D526 CADIA GOLD MINE, WILLY 1D, WILLY 2D, WILLY 3D