This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

National Air 2015

Romorantin - Pruniers, Francija,   8. junij 2015 – 19. junij 2015

Uradno rezultati za Odprti, naloga 5 (16. junij 2015)

Razdalja naloge: 373,86 km
Informacije o nalogi:Course sur circuit - Facteur journalier (F)=1,000 ; Points maximum (Pm)=1000 - Points vitesse (PvM)=667 - Points distance (PdM)=333
# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Štart Cilj Čas Hitrost Razdalja Točke
1. PIC Gerard LHERM Eric Boyer Nimbus 4D 13:51:34 17:43:29 3:51:55 96,72 km/h 373,86 km 1.000
2. GY Christophe DELORT D'EXEA Pierre ROUMET ASH 25E 13:52:28 17:46:50 3:54:22 95,71 km/h 373,86 km 979
3. YR Christophe MARCO TRULLENQUE Alexis DELAHAYE Nimbus 4D 13:52:38 18:01:01 4:08:23 90,31 km/h 373,86 km 867
4. A Francis SVOBODNY ASG 29/18m 13:56:03 18:05:45 4:09:42 89,83 km/h 373,86 km 858
HC AA Raphaël SABATIER ASW 22BL 14:07:27 18:23:29 4:16:02 87,61 km/h 373,86 km 812
5. 2J Olivier CORNEILLIE Patrice VANDENDAELE ASH 25E >= 26m 13:52:35 18:09:32 4:16:57 87,30 km/h 373,86 km 805
6. NV Dirk NIEUWENHOUT Elin SCHEFFERS ASH 25E 13:47:08 18:23:40 4:36:32 81,12 km/h 373,86 km 677
7. GN Gérard GRANGER ASG 29/18m 13:53:18 18:37:41 4:44:23 78,88 km/h 373,86 km 631
HC = Hors Concours, ne tekmuje uradno