This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

neil hw test

Horsham Gld, Avstralija,   4. februar 2023 – 11. februar 2023

Uradno rezultati za 15m/Std, naloga 1 (4. februar 2023)

Točke:05StartPointSouth1 - 64NhillAD - 90Warracknabeal - 08ControlPointNorth - 00HorshamAD
Razdalja naloge: 136,99 km  /  332,89 km  (183,57 km)
Trajanje naloge: 2:00:00
Informacije o nalogi:Maximum Points: 609, Pvmax: 290, Pdmax: 319 ; f=0.893, N=7, Nd=5, Nv=5
# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Štart Cilj Čas Hitrost Razdalja Točke
1. QX David Nugent LS 3 15:06:19 17:18:38 2:12:19 84,73 km/h 186,86 km 609
2. RG Graham Adams Ventus bT 15m 430kg 14:51:47 17:11:30 2:19:43 79,86 km/h 185,97 km 555
3. XJS Gordon Trollip LS 6 14:47:54 17:19:59 2:32:05 81,77 km/h 207,27 km 554
4. NC Neil Campbell ASW 24 WL 14:52:12 17:12:29 2:20:17 78,38 km/h 183,25 km 544
5. UKX Craig Dilks PIK-20 B 14:45:13 17:00:07 2:14:54 69,04 km/h 155,22 km 470
6. TC Russell Edwards ASW 28 14:43:54 14,60 km 23
DNS 2M Tim Shirley ASW 28 0,00 km 0
DNS = Ni začel naloge