This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Offenes Landesvergleichsfliegen Sachsen-Anhalt

Nemčija,   12. julij 2008 – 19. julij 2008

Results for Kleine Clubklasse on 15. julij 2008, Naloga ni priznana

Razdalja naloge: 0,00 km
Informacije o nalogi:
# OP TO Tekmovalec Jadralno letalo Štart Cilj Čas Hitrost Razdalja Točke
DNF J4 Jana/Teresa Fricke/Dippe Astir CS Jeans 0
DNF V2 Thomas Gladow SB 5 E 0
DNF 59 Dr. Klaus Schwabe G 102 2 Astir 0
DNF = Ni letel