This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.


Abbevile, Francija,   26. april 2023 – 30. april 2023

Preliminarni rezultati za Klubski, naloga 1 (26. april 2023)

Razdalja naloge: 136,63 km
Informacije o nalogi:FFVP Script 2023-100 - Course sur circuit imposé - N=3 - n1=2 - n2=2 - n3=2 - n4=3 - Facteur journalier (F)=0,833 - Facteur achèvement (Fcr)=1,000 ; Param. Classe Club - Dist. min. valid. (Dm)=100km - Dist. min. 1000pts (D1)=250km - Points maximum (Pm)=170 - Points vitesse (PvM)=76 - Points distance (PdM)=95
# OP TO Tekmovalec Ekipa Klub Jadralno letalo Handicap Štart Cilj Čas Hitrost Razdalja Točke
1. ABB
Frédéric Peignot
abbeville duo discus xlt 113 14:11:10 15:08:24 57:14 143,23 km/h 136,63 km 152
2. UP
Matthieu Caudrelier
abbeville asw 20 110 14:20:32 15:16:05 55:33 147,57 km/h 136,63 km 92
3. PAS
Pascal Sockeel
abbeville antares 18S 120 15:30:50 80,00 km 42
UP - albert manqué de 70m