This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Pre-European Gliding Championships 2012 (Provence Glide) Championnat de France 15m

Francija,   2. junij 2012 – 9. junij 2012

Trening 2, Odprti, 31. maj 2012

Verzija naloge: 1
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
123GREOUX 8,04 km 256,4° Linija 10,00 km
070PLAMPINET 151,42 km 23,9° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
084SAVINES 56,81 km 201,6° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
034DIE 86,18 km 287,7° Simetrično, Rmin=0,50 km, Rmax=20,00 km, Kot=90,0°, Cilinder R=0,50 km
125Arrivée20 112,78 km 163,1° Cilinder R=5,00 km
Skupno: 407,20 km

Opis naloge

Grid / Mise en piste : with the club
Grid closed / Fermeture de la grille : Non applicable
First take Off / Premier décollage : with the club

Start Line open : 12h00
Start Line closed : Non applicable
Finish : Ring 5km radius / 500m QNH Mini

QNH : 1016
Sunset / Coucher du Soleil : 21 h 10 (Local time)
LF-R 71 active : FL 075 Max

Airfield Operations : 118.150 Mhz
Competition/Safety : 123.375 Mhz
Outlanding office phone number / PC vache :
Fixe : +33(0)4 92 78 87 46
Mobile : +33(0)6 51 25 12 03
IGC file delivery / Adresse mail envoi fichier IGC :