This is the Soaring Spot Test Site. It behaves exactly the same as the live Soaring Spot except a) Uploads are ignored and b) it always returns the same flight for download.

Test Junioren-Quali Grabenstetten

Grabenstetten Airport, Nemčija,   01. julij 2024 – 08. julij 2024

Naloga 3, Clubklasse, 03. julij 2024

Trajanje naloge: 3:00:00
Verzija naloge: warnings (v2)
Točka Razdalja Smer Sektor
003 AP3 Salmendinger Kapelle 3,89 km 335,0° Linija 20,00 km
086 Klippeneck 37,09 km 222,4° Cilinder R=20,00 km
112 Neresheim Kloster 137,51 km 57,7° Cilinder R=20,00 km
046 Farrenberg 102,24 km 246,7° Cilinder R=4,00 km
Skupno: 197,55 km  /  356,46 km  (276,84 km)

Opis naloge


Neaktivni zračni prostori: ED-R132A Heuberg MON-FRI+, ED-R132B Heuberg NOTAM